There have been several posts asking us to select our favorite recordings. I am going to start one that contains the worst classical album covers. There will be 20 of them, so be prepared. Westminster Records had a series of very strange covers. Here is one of the best:
Worst classical album covers No. 5: If you ever wondered how they schlep the instrument from job to job, here is your answer.
Worst classical album covers No. 7: Leif was a fellow student at Juilliard. He has written more than 300 symphonies. This is not one of them.
Worst classical album covers No. 11: And Flash Gordon didn’t arrive until almost twenty years after Holst wrote the piece. Ahead of his time.
Worst classical album covers No. 12: This probably was a mistake and should have been on Herbie’s "Water Music" and "La Mer" album.
Worst classical album covers No. 14: The composer was not Romanian. And of course the first piece on the album is “Ode to Joy.”
Worst classical album covers No. 15: So far, I have not been able to track down the pieces that they have recorded. Considering the dresses, maybe they are all the same.
Worst classical album covers No. 18: My father did a kids concert with the Captain at the Hollywood Bowl. I recognize Keeshan, but which of the other characters is Stokowski?
Worst classical album covers No. 20: Possibly the most inappropriate title for an album ever. And which one of these guys is Derek anyway?
カサンドルは当時、デザイナーとしてよりも画家として認められることを望んでいたと言われ、ジャケット装丁の中にもいくつか絵画的作品を用いたものを見ることができます。この時期には、エクサンプロヴァンス音楽祭の『ドン・ジョヴァンニ』の舞台美術も手がけており、この時の舞台美術集が『Decor de Don Juan』としてスイスのKiester社から発売された他、ロスバウト指揮によるその時の実況録音盤はカサンドルの禁欲的なタイポグラフィ装丁によってPathéレーベルより発売されました。この実況録音盤は、録音状態の悪さを超えた名演として今なお愛好され続けています。